Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Kitchen For Lu!

My friends....I LOVE wood play kitchens! I'm not a big fan of the plastic versions availalbe in every big box store. Now, don't get me wrong, some are cute and take a beating well I'm sure, but I like the realistic and traditional look and functionality of the wood ones. In fact I LOVE Pottery Barn's version here. But $699.00!!!! I think I might have a heart attack! My first car was $400!

So, I decided to do something myself. As I searched online for DIY play kitchens I found lots of adorable ideas and inspiration. So, I went in search of a cabinet and found one for $1 at our MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) garage sale...SCORE! I snatched it up and brought it home to paint. I knew I wanted a robbin's egg blue and had a bunch of leftover paint form various projects around the house. Next thing you know I have a "custom" robbin's egg blue that I'm afraid I'll never be able to recreate! LOL!

Next I needed to find something I could use as burners. Enter a set of black coasters form walmart. I think I paid $4 and change total. I screwed the coasters into the top of the cabinet and tada, burners!

Last, I went in search of a sink and faucet. I mentioned something to my MIL and she had the perfect sink just waiting to be used...a small pink metal plant holder! I found a faucet at my local Habitat for Humanity ReStore for $5 and my kitchen was complete! I found the basket underneath at my local Fred Meyer on clearance for $3.89!

I'd say not bad for a grand total of $11, huh?

Now I still have plans to add a little ruffle skirt on the bottom and towel rack, but it's functional for now and Little L seems to like it!

I'm linking up with The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursday!


  1. lu loves serving tea and bread. just like her mudder!

  2. I was going to ask you what you used for the burners when I saw the pic on fb. I just got the kids a new (to us) wooden kitchen on freecycle and gave it a paint facelift, but I had to paint over the burners that were there. It's very cute and I'm sure Lu loves it!

  3. oh my gosh, how adorable is that?! she must love it. and what a bargain!
